Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Dear Father in Heaven, it is not possible for me to keep my mouth from speaking things it should not. I need Your power to guard my tongue. Father, today help me to think before I speak. Help me to feel that nudge of Your Holy Spirit and respond before words rush out of my mouth unbidden.

Father, I need You to help me to know what to say that will be helpful in building up rather than saying words that tear down or hurt. Please make me aware, by Your divine power, of _’s needs so I can respond in a way that benefits him/her. Help me to run to You when frustrations and anger bubble up and let You de-fuse it and send me back with grace on my lips. Help me to be bold when issues need addressing, but gentle and loving in the way I address them.

Father, You are the only one who can perform this miracle in my life. I look to You today to set a guard at my heart and my mouth for I do not want to grieve You. Forgive me for the times I have and walk with me so closely today for I need the help of Your Holy Spirit in dealing with ___. Thank you. I pray this in Jesus Name,

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